I spend a lot of time trying to find the next best thing. Some are amazing; I can’t live without them. (Some I will never purchase again.) Here’s a list of items I have randomly bought that I am loving right now.
· Daily Harvest Smoothies — I spend so much money on fruits and veggies that end up going bad and have to be thrown out. Enter the best invention ever. These smoothies are the easiest thing to make. Add your favorite liquid, like water, almond milk, regular milk, or even alcohol (for the days your kids have truly tested your patience). You can use the Promo Code “Hayden” for 3 free cups on your first order.
· Amazon Fiddle Leaf Tree — This is probably my favorite random find on Amazon. I have ordered so many fake plants over the years and I finally found one that actually looks real. I recently purchased a second one to replace the large plant I keep killing on our patio.
· Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter — As a busy mom, I have about 5 minutes to do my makeup so I like products that can do multiple things. I can mix this into my foundation, use it as a primer, or even use it as a highlighter. It’s the perfect, easy-to-use product for summer that actually makes you glow without looking like a glitter-bomb hit you in the face.
· Ergobaby Sleeping Bag — We accidentally left Hayden’s Merlin Magic Sleep Suit at my parents’ house. It was becoming time to transition her out of it anyway so I rushed out to find something new that would hopefully keep her asleep that night, like the suit. It was as though we never transitioned: she didn’t even notice the difference and slept her usual 11 hours.
· Fitbit Blaze — Hayden and I walk 6-8 miles a day and I love all the health info Fitbit gives you. I normally walk that much just so I can hit a certain amount of steps to feel like I have won a prize. And bonus, it also tracks my sleep, my heart rate, my period, my water intake, and my calories—in and out—for the day.
- Click on photos below for shoppable links
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