
Favorite Target Fall Finds

I might be the only woman on earth that hates Pumpkin Spice.

However, I welcome fall with a little change up of my usual decor instead. While everyone else is drinking pumpkin spice lattes, I enjoy getting cozy in my autumn paradise on the couch with a thick, fuzzy blanket and a glass of wine.  To me, golds, yellows, and oranges always scream crisp air, cuddly nights, and lots of good food.  I love to entertain during the holidays, so anything fall for the kitchen is always on my list. Target has a lot of affordable options to bring a little spice into your house for the holiday season ahead.

They even sell Pumpkin Spice coffee for those who are highly addicted.

Happy shopping……. links below.



Hosptial Bag Must-Haves

A month or two before my due date I started pinning away hospital bag items I would need. Needless to say I left the house with a large bag and small carry on suitcase. Guess what? I didn’t use 80% here are the items I actually used.All your “down there” items will be available at the hospital. The most important thing on this list was the pillows and the blanket. Hospital ones are beyond unusable. They will also provide diapers and wipes for baby.

I brought stuff to shower and wash my hair but lets be real I was not able to even think of showering. More power to the women that were able to do so. I was glad I packed a little bit of makeup because I was able to freshen up before guests arrived. My go to was of Hoola Bronzer and the Fenty Universal Lip gloss.  A toiletry bag is also a must. It will help you to feel a little more human when you brush your teeth and put deodorant on. Our hospital allowed us to bring an essential oil diffuser. If definitely helped during labor and the stay afterwards feel more like home. Shop my favorites below.




Favorite Current Amazon Picks

Let me just start by saying my husband and I disagree about one thing all the time……..Whats in the amazon cart. I have a true obsession. Without a doubt the mail lady shows up at least three times a week with an amazon package. Through trial and error of whats good and whats not, I have narrowed down my favorite buys this summer. My Top pick in this whole list have to be the Mellanni Bed Sheets. $29 bucks! $29 bucks! Don’t get me wrong I was extremely skepitcal. These blew our $150 dollar sheets right out of the water. Did she really put a food item on there?  Yes, yes I did. Game changer ladies and gentlemen. I get it chips are not good for you but sometimes you have to have a few and these make me feel a little less guilty.




Top Mommy Nordstrom Sale Picks

I looked forward to my wedding day, moving into our first home, the birth of our first child, BUT there is an extra special level of excitement I get when looking forward to the few days a year I can shop my favorite, yearly staples at a discount.

I get it —  these sales exist because it’s crap they don’t have room for anymore in their warehouses. But if you’re patient and sift through all that horrible stuff no one should ever wear, you can actually find stuff that will pretty much go with anything: whether you’re dressing ‘homeless mommy chic’ (aka yoga pants/mom bun/no sleep in 3 days) or you miraculously have an extra 10 mins and can actually put on cute jeans, boots and brush your before you put it in a bun.

Here are my top picks.




Top Baby Pick From Nordstrom Sale

This is my favorite time of the year. The Nordstrom Annual Sale!

 Not going to lie, I’m not a huge fan of their baby clothing like I am of their adult items. But I LOVE their baby accessories and strollers, etc. I have every single item on here; my husband and I love and can recommend them all.
I was beyond excited to see the Nuna Rava Car seat on the website. Brent and I were literally just discussing getting a new one because lil’ miss is growing out of her Nuna Pipa infant car seat. That will definitely be going in my cart first.
Stay tuned for more of my mommy picks.





5 Minute Mom Makeup Routine

If you’re like me and have no time to do anything during the day with a newborn, like pee or let alone put on makeup, I got you covered. Through trial and error (running to the bathroom mirror before my child 3 feet away notices I am not paying attention to her), I have come up with the perfect, quick and easy make-up routine, so all us mamas don’t have to look dead from our lack of sleep and abundance of stress when we leave the house.  Making it super easy — all products are linked below in the slide bar. Not gonna lie, I accidently put lanolin nipple cream on my lips once; turns out it’s an amazing lip gloss.




Current Postpartum Hair Products

I don’t know about you but I was fat, bloated, exhausted and in pain during my pregnancy but my hair was AMAZING. Thick and shiny and then it happened. A couple weeks ago I was in the shower and low and behold tons of it was in my hand. Not thinking too much into it until it happened the next day and the day after that. Postpartum hair loss is real ladies!! I have a few bald spots that I am told will come back after awhile.


So here are a few of my current favorites that I think are helping. We will regrow! Ps the L’Oreal Root Coverup works wonders for bald patches. The Olaplex is my favorite thing on this list. I just put it on like a mask before the shower. If your a new mom I don’t even have to talk about dry shampoo. This one is amazing and leaves you smelling amazing.